The 85/15 Rule: The Key to Balanced Nutrition and Enjoying Your Favorite Foods

 When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, it’s easy to get caught up in strict rules and restrictions. Many people think that to be healthy, you have to eliminate all “bad” foods or follow rigid diets. However, there’s a more balanced and sustainable approach that allows you to stay healthy while still enjoying the foods you love: the 85/15 rule.

What is the 85/15 Rule? The 85/15 rule is simple: aim to eat nutritious, whole foods 85% of the time, while allowing yourself to enjoy treats or less healthy options the remaining 15% of the time. This balance encourages healthy habits without making you feel deprived. It’s a flexible way to incorporate your favorite snacks or comfort foods into your lifestyle without guilt.

Why Balance Matters:

 In nutrition, maintaining balance in your diet is essential for both physical health and mental well-being. Here’s why the 85/15 rule works:

1. Sustainability Over Restriction

Diets that focus solely on restriction often lead to burnout or binge eating. The 85/15 rule encourages a sustainable approach by allowing you to indulge occasionally, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan in the long run.

2. Improves Your Relationship with Food

Food should be a source of nourishment and enjoyment, not stress. Allowing yourself to enjoy treats helps avoid feelings of guilt or shame associated with eating certain foods. This balanced approach fosters a healthier relationship with food.

3. Reduces Cravings

When you deprive yourself of certain foods, cravings tend to increase. The 85/15 rule helps curb those cravings by allowing space for occasional indulgences, preventing the “all-or-nothing” mentality.

4. Supports Long-Term Health

While the 15% indulgence allows for flexibility, the 85% focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods ensures you’re getting the vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients needed to support your overall health. You’re prioritizing fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains most of the time, providing your body with the fuel it needs.

How to Apply the 85/15 Rule:

Applying the 85/15 rule is easy once you understand its principles. For example, if you eat 21 meals a week, about 18 of those meals should be focused on nutrient-dense foods, while 3 meals can include more indulgent options like pizza, dessert, or a favorite snack. You can also think of it in terms of portions—most of your plate should be filled with vegetables, proteins, and whole grains, while a smaller portion can include something you enjoy as a treat.

It’s Okay to Treat Yourself:

The beauty of the 85/15 rule is that it acknowledges the role of enjoyment in eating. Food is a part of our culture, celebrations, and daily pleasures. By following this balanced approach, you can enjoy special moments without guilt. Whether it’s a slice of cake at a birthday party or an occasional night out with friends, treating yourself is perfectly okay and can actually help you maintain a healthy lifestyle over time.


The 85/15 rule reminds us that balance is key to achieving lasting health and happiness. By focusing on nourishing your body 85% of the time and leaving room for occasional treats, you can enjoy the best of both worlds—health and enjoyment. Remember, it’s not about perfection but about making choices that support your well-being without depriving yourself of life’s simple pleasures.